Obama, the next President or big celebrity?


New member
Oct 20, 2008
I'm just wondering, who all thinks Obama is acting like a big time celebrity more than our future President? I mean, what's up with the whole Spider-man comic book cover? What makes him so special? What are your thoughts?
He had nothing to do with the comic? Are you serious? It's HIS PICTURE, I'm pretty sure he has to OK that or something if they are going to use it. A picture is pretty much considered trademark. I'm a graphic designer.
someone please correct me if I am wrong about being able to use his picture. It just doesn't make sense to me bc that would be like me putting a picture oh him on something bad, could he not sue for slander? so this is kind of the same thing
Hey hey Scarlet Begoinas, thanks for contributing nothing. Stupid question? How about stupid response. What about your stupid question. I have 2 cats and one litter box? Hmmm
hes special cusz he's our PRESIDENT. and yu know.. if yu think about it... we never had that so called "wonderful president that people all love".... its prlly never gunna happen! he's another guy whos our president.. aint nuttin rong wit that. cusz sumone has to be president. might as well be Obama =) i like him!
Sigh... He was a big fan of Spider Man comics when he was a kid. This is Marvel comics way of honoring him. That's all.
No he has been holding meetings and working on his plan for the economy. What...is that not what presidents do?
He's a young man, with a young family and he still has a sense of fun. Some of you need to lighten up a little more . . it's pretty harmless.
He probably gave permission. Remember Bob Dole did a Viagra commercial? In other words SO WHAT?
"What makes him so special? What are your thoughts?"
He promised to reach across the isle with regards to finding solutions and implementing policies. It is called collaboration, something we have not seen in, well I was going to say a long time, but really it is something I have not seen in Government ever.
If Obama is to bridge the gap between the right and the left, conservative and liberal, Democrat and Republican, he is going to have to facilitate compromise between the two. Neither will get everything they want. But if he can bring us together instead of dividing us further apart I can live with that. If he can get our economy back on track I am more then okay with that. While I consider myself to be a Liberal Democrat I can forgo having every personal wish granted since political agenda's of a party needs to be secondary to being an American citizen and wanting the best for everyone. Had McCain won the election I would not be hoping for his failure since if our leaders fail, we all suffer, regardless of who that leader is.
I think he is applying the principals for conflict resolution to usher in a more congenial atmosphere for problem solving with himself and the Congress. If he were to go at them with an authoritarian attitude then the resistance would be fierce and little progress would be made. If he pushes for an immediate far left agenda there would be a Congressional gridlock and the right vs left power struggle would diminish the likelihood of any solutions being pursued for the crisis of the economy. I am VERY impressed.
The media sold him as the new superhero. Therefore, it's probably very fitting that they took it just one step too far and put him on a comic book cover. Welcome to the new America. Speak your mind, fast. You won't be able to later.
What makes him so special? The almighty power of this "Change" he keeps talking about.
We'll see...
His chest was on the tabloid front pages and now he is on a comic book cover. We needed a leader in office with solutions who could unite this country, but that's not who was elected. Obama is all fluff and no substance.
Actually that's Marvel that's been doing that, not Obama. Marvel has actually been tossing in political sideline stories for over a year now. They had Stephen Colbert as their candidate du jour. They had the infamous "Colbert wins" newpaper ad in some of their comics, before showing that Obama was the real winner.

Marvel has tried to tie their comics into real world real time events, such as 9/11 and Katrina. The presidency is just 1 more thing that happens in the real world that they can easily mimic in the Marvel Universe.

Yes any president will be a celebrity, he's going to be on the tv, radio, and in newspapers and magazines for a while, so he's pretty much a celeb.
Purely a celebrity thing. Nothing Presidential about him. Just another Chicago political thug who played the system and beat it. If he has nothing to hide, why the sealed birth certificate ? And for that matter, where is the federal election board demanding he unseal that birth certificate ? Do we not have, as Americans, the right to know who we are voting for and the pedigree of his/her birth as afforded by the Constitution? The whole deal is a sham by a master political thug.Nothing more and nothing less. The real shame is that more Americans are not demanding their right to see his birth certificate. That this Country has become so complacent is a disgrace.