screaming newborn.. need help!?


New member
Jan 14, 2009
i have a 2 week old baby boy, who was being both formula and breast fed. 4 days ago he began sowing signs of constipation, he went to the doctor and she told me to try karo syrup. I did, it worked for the 1st 2 days then it wouldnt work.. last night i decided to switch him to soy because he literally stayed up crying with no fever from 2am until 8:30am, trying to push out more and more poop., He did poop, it was greenish yellow and more of thick substance but not hard... more sticky. He still is crying quite a bit, what is wrong with him!! I also bought the mylicon drops to help if he had gas and have been giving i to him at every feeding. what should i do???? or what do u expect it may be..?? this is obviously my first baby!
i am not getting enough breast milk to only give him breast that would be why im also supplementing.. im lucky to get 2 ounces at each sitting between the both of them. and i know his belly hurts im askin if there is something i can do for him