Can you put two female beta fish in the same tank?


Jun 6, 2008
I know it is not a good idea to put two male betas together because they will fight and will possibly kill one another. I know putting a male an female together can go either way, they may like each other and make babies, or they may be agressive with one another, but i am unsure about putting two females together. If you know...please offer me some advice. Thank you!
yes you can. But putting 2 can cause them to be aggressive with one another, so having 4 or more will prevent that. But otherwise, yes, they can be put together
They have been known to flare up upon seeing their own reflections so as to intimidate what they perceive as another betta. Female betta fish are not quite that aggressive towards each other, though it is recommended that there be many hiding places inside a tank if several female betta fish are to be kept together. Keeping two male betta fish together will almost certainly result in one dying.
Yes, you definitely can. But do make sure they have enough space to themselves. You could put some dried leaves in the tank to "hide" them from each other if you want to.
Female Bettas can be kept together, but pairs/trios are not recommended. They are not as territorial as males (although some can be!) but do have some space needs.

They are best in groups of 5 or more. One female will dominate all others, a strict heirarchy, in smaller pairs or trios subordinates can be picked on and bullied to death. When keeping a group a group of sibling females are best, stranger fish are more likely to fight.

For a group of females you should have no less than a 10 gallon tank with dense planting and hiding places.
I have 7 in one of my 55`s and none of them fight,they will form a pecking order but it won`t get serious ..