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  1. #1
    Junior Member jonteb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    What is the most competitive martial art besides mma?

    I love competition and i really want to kno what martial art is most competitive

  2. #2
    Any and all.

    You seem to work under the conception that competition is equivalent with brutality. But in any competition, rules are the same for everyone, so rules tend to favor certain skills.

    It takes years of hard work, dedication and perseverance to get at the top level of anything, including chess - martial arts are no different. Points karate or competitive judo may not have the crowd appeal of MMA, but the competitors have to work their way up the ranks, just like in MMA. And while they do work different skills, there's just as much competition to become top dog.

    And even if you believe only pure "tough guy" sports qualify as martial arts competition, Muay Thai and boxing have been shown to be more dangerous and taxing than MMA, because the rules force the fighters to stand and keep taking punishment way past the point where they would have transformed it into a wrestling match in MMA.

    So it's not a question of choosing the art that is the most competitive: Choose the one that appeals to you. The competition will be there to test you. It's just a question of what sauce you prefer.

  3. #3
    Member al's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    in my oppinion the full ranges of combats would be a champion at mma cage fighting, streetfighting/backyardfighting tornament and sport aikido[i don like aikido being used as a sport but it i the only art where unarmed versus armed figyhting comes into play]

    if ur look ing for competition try

    san shou[realy fun]
    brizilian jiu jitsu
    tae kwon do
    submission wresling
    tapout challenge[underground it is basicaly freestyle submission only wresling but if ur back hits a wall 3 times or if u tap out u lose and those are the only ways to lose]
    muay thai
    muay baron[though that isnt main focus]
    tai chi forms competition

  4. #4
    Any and all.

    You seem to work under the conception that competition is equivalent with brutality. But in any competition, rules are the same for everyone, so rules tend to favor certain skills.

    It takes years of hard work, dedication and perseverance to get at the top level of anything, including chess - martial arts are no different. Points karate or competitive judo may not have the crowd appeal of MMA, but the competitors have to work their way up the ranks, just like in MMA. And while they do work different skills, there's just as much competition to become top dog.

    And even if you believe only pure "tough guy" sports qualify as martial arts competition, Muay Thai and boxing have been shown to be more dangerous and taxing than MMA, because the rules force the fighters to stand and keep taking punishment way past the point where they would have transformed it into a wrestling match in MMA.

    So it's not a question of choosing the art that is the most competitive: Choose the one that appeals to you. The competition will be there to test you. It's just a question of what sauce you prefer.

  5. #5
    Any and all.

    You seem to work under the conception that competition is equivalent with brutality. But in any competition, rules are the same for everyone, so rules tend to favor certain skills.

    It takes years of hard work, dedication and perseverance to get at the top level of anything, including chess - martial arts are no different. Points karate or competitive judo may not have the crowd appeal of MMA, but the competitors have to work their way up the ranks, just like in MMA. And while they do work different skills, there's just as much competition to become top dog.

    And even if you believe only pure "tough guy" sports qualify as martial arts competition, Muay Thai and boxing have been shown to be more dangerous and taxing than MMA, because the rules force the fighters to stand and keep taking punishment way past the point where they would have transformed it into a wrestling match in MMA.

    So it's not a question of choosing the art that is the most competitive: Choose the one that appeals to you. The competition will be there to test you. It's just a question of what sauce you prefer.

  6. #6
    Any and all.

    You seem to work under the conception that competition is equivalent with brutality. But in any competition, rules are the same for everyone, so rules tend to favor certain skills.

    It takes years of hard work, dedication and perseverance to get at the top level of anything, including chess - martial arts are no different. Points karate or competitive judo may not have the crowd appeal of MMA, but the competitors have to work their way up the ranks, just like in MMA. And while they do work different skills, there's just as much competition to become top dog.

    And even if you believe only pure "tough guy" sports qualify as martial arts competition, Muay Thai and boxing have been shown to be more dangerous and taxing than MMA, because the rules force the fighters to stand and keep taking punishment way past the point where they would have transformed it into a wrestling match in MMA.

    So it's not a question of choosing the art that is the most competitive: Choose the one that appeals to you. The competition will be there to test you. It's just a question of what sauce you prefer.

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