Is Keith Oberman the biggest idiot, the biggest lier or both on tv?



He said that when the Republican candidates were asked if they would have handled the war in Iraq the same if they knew then what they know now about casualties and no wmd's, that they answered 'yes'. That is a big fat lie. Not one of them even suggested they would have handle the war the same way. They all critisized the handling of the post invasion. I think the candidates should demand the Oberman apologize.
He also suggested that Bush and/or one of his aid's was stupid for saying 'President Lincoln was unpopular when he was leaving office'. Kieth Oberman is so stupid he even read the quote and didn't even realize his mistake. Lincoln was unpopular and when he was assasinated he had no plans to run again and had less then 2 years in office. That IS the definition of 'leaving office'.
he was very popular AFTER he was killed