Do you think the Nissan 350Z is a suitable car for a 19 yr.old male?


New member
Sep 27, 2008
im pretty responsible, my parents are going to be paying for the car as a graduation present. but i'll pay for insurance and gas. I've been driving on my own since i turned 17.
let me give you some real life tips... i started driving when i was 14 when my dad was falling asleep at the wheel on a long trip so i took over... so i drove young... howver i didnt get my first car until i was 18... everybody always told me to purchase an old pos to start... bc supposedly everyone mostly wrecks their first car... i of course didnt believe it so i bought a used (pretty new still) ford mustang... convertible... the whole nine yards... sure enough... 3 months later i totaled it falling asleep at the wheel... get a decent car for your first... maybe this isnt your first car... but your still way young... just get a decent car with a poozy magnet... and everything will be good...
to answer your question... yea... a 350Z is sweet...
Any NEW car is unsuitable for a 19-year-old male.
So as long as it's used, s'okay.