Can US Postal Workers who delivery mail via mail truck smoke while delivering mail? ?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
It seems like a no brainer but I am curious what the rule actually is. Mail is mostly paper and highly flamable. Yet my mail carrier smoke like a fiend. Whenever he has to open his truck up it smells like an ashtray and smoke pours out. Can he smoke while deliverying mail? What's the rule?
It depends on if he's a contractor to the postal service. I'm not100% certain, but I don't think you're allowed to smoke in government vehicles just like government buildings. But contractors own their own vehicles and may be able to do as they please, but I agree that wouldn't be a good idea with other people's mail.

You might simply send a complaint to your post office that your mail reeks of cigarette smoke because the carrier is a chain smoker. If he's not supposed to smoke they'll put a stop to it, but if he is, it will least start a discussion about fouling up people property with their nasty habit.