Loong Rant/Question: Was it wrong of me to leave my sister there?


New member
Jan 10, 2009
Don't answer if it's too long to read.

4:30- Sis calls from her campus to let me know she needs a ride home because the girl she rode with left early. Says she can call a cab if needed. I'm a nice sister, so I tell her I'm on my way.

4:15- Arrive and pick up my sister who proceeds to ask me if she can stop somewhere for smokes. I need to grab a couple things from store so tell her no problem.

4:30- we arrive at Grocery store #1. I get my items and check out. Entertain daughters and nephew (not hers- our brothers- I'm babysitting) at quarter carousel. Bi-polar sister gets into fight with cashier and loudly shouts "Fine. We'll go somewhere else." I have no idea what it was about. She asks if we can go to a specific gas station, stating her brand of smokes is cheap there. It's across town and in sort of a bad area but I figure it'll be easier than fighting with her because she has a crazy bad temper.

5:00- arrive at gas station and she realizes she forgot her driver's license. Clerk won't sell her the smokes. I offer to buy them and show my ID but the clerk says she already knows they're going to my sister and isn't comfortable selling them to us without seeing my sister's ID. My sister starts cussing. I interrupt and tell sister I know she's frustrated and can't always help it (Bi-Polar) but she needs to try to behave herself in front of nieces and nephews. She tells me I'm a bad mother because I just lay down and let people walk all over me and the "Miss Sally Homemaker bit" doesn't work for everyone and her nieces need to know how to stand up for themselves. I tell her "Fine. Call that cab" then take all 3 kids and leave.

Ten minutes ago: Dad calls me and scolds me like a 12 year old child because I left my sister in a bad neighborhood.

WTF?! Would you not have done the same thing?
There aren't drive-bys and stuff. We don't live in a huge metropolitan area. The worst that would happen is someone might offer to sell her some weed which might not be such a bad thing for her.
First time stamp should be 4:00 lol
She's not retarded. She knows how to call a cab and get home. She has lived on her own before moving back home with Dad to save money. She's 21 years old. A big girl. She can deal with it.
I would have left her at her first performance! I don't put up with crap like that.... As for your dad, tell him to drag her a$$ all over town and see how much he enjoys it!
I completely understand your frustration.
However, If you know your sister is bi-polar and apt to rant and rave then maybe you should have just sucked it up for the moment and at least have gotten her to a safer neighborhood before telling her to call a cab.
I understand your frustration. It is very difficult dealing with people who have a mental health issue. That being said, I think leaving your sister in a possibly dangerous area was not wise. Looking back now with a cooler head, you know you would have been at fault if something bad had happened. You would have felt terrible. So, it's over and she's ok. I think you should tell her that you're sorry.
Despite all this I don't think I'd abandon her in a bad neighborhood.
Of course, driving clear across town to save a dime probably was the start of your real source of frustration.
I think I may have taken her to a place to buy her cigs nearer home, say withing 1/2 a mile of her home THEN abandoned her freaky azz.
Of course, no matter which family member you choose to cope with, one or the other is bound to be displeased.

In truth, Jen, I see no rant here. It's a situational story that needs resolution.
1.if your sis was acting like a norm person yes it would be wrong to leave her but since she wasn't then i would have told her to grow the f@@@ up and chill.
2. not cool to act like that in front of kids!
3. tell dad to be her cab then b/c your not going to be
4. and i had an ex w/ "bi-polar" he just wanted to be able to act like a kid and not have to get in trouble!
Mentally ill people can't help that they are fucking nuts.
I would have left her at the first place. There are reactions for every action.
That was nice of you to offer to buy the smokes for her. Even if she didn't get them, she should appreciate that. And cussing in front of your children is unacceptable, bipolar or not.
You also were in the right when asking her to stop. Calling you a "Miss Sally Homemaker Bit" was going too far. Your daughters can stand up for themselves without cussing, wouldn't you agree?
You were right, and you shouldn't of been scolded. You tried to do the right thing, and your sister, temper, bipolar or not, was wrong.

I would have done the same thing.
lmao its funny how u even give us the time and everyhting

but im w/u
what a crazy bytch of a sister u got
just ignore ur dad and sis, u know u did the right thing
Your sister sounds like a bitchazz but you were wrong for leaving her...way wrong...damn...thats honestly some f*cked up sh*t...If I was your sister I would never talk to you again...I don't mean to offend you but you shouldn't have done that to your own blood...I guess its just different cultures, where I come from you don't do shit like that to your sibling especially knowing she isn't mentally stable but whatever.
I would have left her at the first place. Im not goign to say it was the right thing but I would have left her.
You should tell your dad that next time he can go pick her up.