How do I deal with my future sister in law?


May 13, 2008
My boyfriend's family live overseas. A few months ago I met his brother and fiance for the first time and his fiance wasn't at all enthusiastic about me despite my efforts.

Recently we invited his brother and fiance visited us at our home for a holiday so I thought this was my chance to get to know both of them better before their wedding.

During a one-to-one conversation with my future sister in law (my boyfriend's brother's fiance), she told me that a year ago when she first met my boyfriend she told him that he should "hook up" with miss X and then also asked me "why he didnt end up hooking up with her?".

I told her that it was because that's about the time he started dating me and him and Miss X were just friends.

Anyway she kept asking 'why' he didnt hook up with her. I was dumbfounded. I also mentioned that Miss X was also seeing someone, and then she goes on to say 'Oh so its because she was seeing someone else'.

I have to go to their wedding soon and my boyfriend is putting off our engagement til after that.

I dont know what her problem is with me. The rest of his family are absolutely lovely towards me. Does she think I'm a passing phase to my boyfriend?

Furthermore, I cant help but feel like she should be exposed!
I'd just prefer that if she doesnt like me then dont go around to everyone pretending that she does.

She even went further to say that my boyfriend is so lost with his life - who says things like that? How can she even make a judgement after meeting us twice?