Does the Soul merely consist of memories of experinces past and expectations of...


New member
Jan 8, 2009
...future? Does the soul merely consist of sensory memories from expereinces past, and also acquired knowledge about what it is aspiring to become next?

I am interested in how other people perceive the soul.
me finks you dont know what your on about?
but, james brown got soul... and aretha franklin' she got soul too..
i think for the rest of us... we got wat they tell us we got.. its up to each individual to believe wat they believe...
apart from that? no proof of any soul exists.. sry...
maybe if you think of it as a sub routine in you thinking processes, you may be getting close to the truth, but... we dont have a soul, unless its put there in your thinking before you get chance to know any different...
it depends on who rocked your cradle
Oh i could go on all day about this.. and I will.. if you are interested. : )
I firmly believe the soul, or spirit-self, is the part of us that does not die. Then the body dies, the soul is released and where it goes from there is an individuals choice as to religion or non.

The soul is the subconscious part of our being which contains knowledge that is not really open to us now. Call it intuition, guilt pangs, the tiny as a mustard seed knowledge of a higher power.

In other words, the deep, down knowledge of right and wrong, good and bad, indifference and love.
I truly have no dea but I gave you a star. I'm in a middle ground at the moment with all of this kind of stuff. Nice idea though.