Was Lincoln gay????????????


New member
May 15, 2008
I am not doing a project for school or whatever, I am honestly just curious about this. I heard someone mention this or whatever and now I want to know!!!!!

I guess there's no way to know for SURE his sexuality (it's obviously not written anywhere) but I think there was some evidence of him being homosexual. And it would be pretty cool if he was, lol.

So... if you know anything about this topic, please 360 me an answer!!! Thanks, peace!
the rumor springs from the fact that he used to share a bed with a man. but in those times that was fairly normal and had nothing to do with sexual preference, just with saving money and sharing warmth. so i don't know wether he was gay or not, only that he and thousands of other men used to share their bed.
No, Lincoln was not gay. I think that rumor started from an episode of American Dad in which he was mockingly portrayed as being gay.