Do I look bad with braces?? (Picture Inside)?


New member
Jan 5, 2009
I got braces about three weeks ago and I HATE THEM!! SO I was just wondering what you guys thought about me with braces do I look okay with them?? and BTW I have not had time to take a picture so I had to drawl braces on MY TEETH!! But anyways I know i stink at it! Haha !!

anyways please be honest!!
Thank you!! XXX

aww they look fine hun..dont worry i dont think they look bad at all! and just think when ever you get them taken off your gonna have a stunning smile and its not like you look bad with them anyway:)
not too bad. you shouldn't make them that bright. Just get silver bands and they're less noticeable. But overall, I've seen a lot worse.
you don't look bad, but it doesn't even make a huge difference because like everyone has them.
i hated mine so much at first, but i got used to them. plus, it doesn't matter, you have to keep them for however long anyways. might as well stop freaking out over them.
haha nice drawing! but forreal, you're still stinkin adorable! plus you will be SO grateful you went ahead and did it. you will love your smile.
but no they don't look bad at all.
to be honest ur really pretty, and we have all had braces, they come off so no worries:p

but i dont think u should be posting pics this this online of urself, ya know ? :)
Not too many people DO look good with braces, but you don't look horrifying or anything. Plus, it would probably help some if the picture wasn't in black and white.
arent you a little young and i would try a diff pic. you dont look so good but your fine trust me your fine
wow... your braces are so cute and you are really pretty! don't worry about you not feeling comfortable in them because you just got them. good luck and happy new year!
if you take an actual picture then... maybe i dunno its so hard to tell with..."fake" braces lol but I think your would look fine..especially if you got the clear ones lol