Market-wise, are pop/rock singers with lower voices able to compete and


New member
Jan 5, 2009
progress in the music industry? Ideally if there is anyone in the Entertainmentt industry out there who comes across this question, it's be amazing if you could answer.

A general trend for most popular mainstream musicians is that they have relatively high voices. More and more in male musicians do I notice this, as well, considering the tons of tenor men you here on the radio, from the Killers to Justin Timberlake, etc. Do you think a male singer with a deeper voice would be just as successful or as easily marketed as the rest?

In women, there are still a wide variety of pitches among singers that are out there today. I just noticed, though, that I hardly hear any men that don't sound like prepubescent girls. Would you lot listen to guy singers with deeper, more sultry voices?

Let me know what you think.
there are very few original ideas in entertainment. When one producer has something that sells everybody does the same thing. Popularity in entertainment has little to do with actual talent but marketability.

If the right person came a long with the right look with a deep masculine voice they could be very popular.

As soon as they had a some success someone would be trying to imitate them immediately though