If a church youth counselor hears rumors of drugs . . .?


New member
Sep 9, 2008
I volunteer as a youth counselor at my church, it's not an official or paid position. There are rumors that one of the kids has been selling illegal substances; I haven't seen anything or talked to them yet, only heard other people talking about it. Am I obligated or required to tell their parents? If the rumors are true and something happens to them, can I be held legally responsible? Our youth minister is also aware of the situation, and I know the rules are a bit different for him. Could he get in trouble for not doing anything about it? On top of that my wife helps out too and she is a teacher in that kid's school district. Is she required to tell someone? (If it helps, we live in Ohio).

We've also wondered at what point we should talk to their parents. For example, if we were to see something should we go to the parents, the police, or both?

Any advice (legal or from someone with this kind of experienced) would be appreciated!
You need to talk to the children accused of this illegal activity and see if the rumor is true. If it is you need to notify the parents.

If you don't, you are liable legally for what the kids do.
Just report it to your supervisors etc. Then wash your hands of it. All you have heard so far is rumors.

You might be bound by confidentitality since you are acting on behalf of a faith so it might be held on par with a confession and therefore you must maintain their right to privacy.
You need to talk to the children accused of this illegal activity and see if the rumor is true. If it is you need to notify the parents.

If you don't, you are liable legally for what the kids do.
Prayer, meet with all group leaders, make decisions of speaking about drug use to the youth, have substance abuse polices in place, education of youth workers, parents and youth on substance abuse, keep open communication with all three