How is this diet going to affect me in the near future? ?


New member
Jul 14, 2008
I eat practically very small stuff.. such as cereal, crackers and tea, toast and tea, never really a good full meal. I eat these things till im not hungry. I probably eat a home meal once every 3-4 days & if its not a home meal, its probably some fast food..

also I crap about once a
um, if ur eating fast food, try as much as u can to eat subway and not carl's jr. or mcdonald's. you ccan eat some real food and eat a good full meal, but just watch ur portioins. and u should move ur bowel more than once a week. it helps quite a bit with weightloss, but mainly it's just healthier if u excreted the watse like four times a week at the least. if you're only moving your bowel only once a week, there's a possibility ur not getting enough fiber and that's crucial in a lot of diet plans.
Check out this website. Gillian McKeith is fabulous. She has a show on BBC America called You are what you eat.
That diet will kill you before you know what happened, your body needs a balanced diet every day. You need a meat, starch and a veggie for most meals at least 2 times a day,,this is the reason you only crap once a week, you should be crapping at least once a day and you need to drink plenty of water and other liquids to liquefy all that food so it can pass through..What goes in , must come out.