How to convince my mom to let me get my rim pierced?


May 17, 2008
im pretty sure you wont get aids from piercing your ear, but what the hell do i know right??

i have my rook pierced, so i dont have any advice on getting your rim pierced, because i dont have it, i cant imagine it would be 2 painful though, i barely felt mine
She thinks i'll get aids...or that its a BIG responsibility, or that it costs too much. how much did you pay for it? did it hurt? is it REALLY hard to take care of? how can i convince her?
Yeah, my mom was saying how i dont clean my room often and give my dog enough baths, so i gave him a bath today anddd i'm keeping my room neat all the time!
oh, lol!!!! sorry!! the rim of my ear!!!
You will not get aids if you pierce your ear rim.
Maybe if you go to a very badly maintained place where they use the same needle on every single person who walks in.

No offense, but it sound like your mom needs a little education on AIDS and how it is caused.