ATT Quickfire or ATT Palm Centro?


New member
Jun 2, 2008
I'm getting a new phone soon and i really have no idea which one to get. I text alot and i talk on the phone alot too. and i like the quickfire because it looks like a side kick and i like the palm centro because it's PDA like.. help?
Quickfire cus it has a bigger keyboard get palm if u want to text with one hand better
Quickfire cus it has a bigger keyboard get palm if u want to text with one hand better
Palm Centro ALL THE WAY.
You can do alot more things, therefore, you wont get bored as easily.
I have the Palm Centro and my friend has the Quickfire and she's always complaining about how she wishes that she would have gotten the Palm Centro because it looks cooler, it comes with a stylus, you can do more things, and its more compact.
I could go on and on about how the Palm Centro is better, but i'll save us some time, and just straight out tell you that the Palm Centro is wonderfull.
