How to eat healthy on a very low budget?


New member
Jan 3, 2009
My family is what most would call "poor" we don't have money to buy groceries most of the time. We eat what we can afford . Fresh vegetables are just too expensive to even think about buying. What are some good, cheap meals that are healthy? I would really like to go on a diet, but I know it will be ruined because we don't have the food that I would need to eat. I eat a lot of chicken and brown rice.
I had a baby in March of 08 and haven't lost the extra weight that I packed on. I feel so "blah" most of the time and I think that having a more healthy diet and excercising daily will be great for me. I just need some help learning what I should be doing, and what I can afford to do.
Drink LOTS of water. 8 glasses a day. water helps flush out toxins in your body and will help you feel refreshed in a couple days