Do you know anyone who acts like it's the end of the world when the internet

I act like that

plus whenever the internet isn't working, the tv isn't either.
Yes me ! I get withdrawal symptoms if I can't get online for a few hours, I do run my own business from home too so I have an excuse to get twitchy lol
Do I know anyone, why yes me. LOL, plenty of people are like that at my school.
it is the end of the world, when that happens.. i think i die a little sometimes.. others i'm like "screw it.. "
I think I can be like that occasionally....although I try not to be too "vocal" about it. But it does make me feel very uneasy when the internet isn't working....especially if it goes down while I am logged on....and I have even been known to blame myself if something goes wrong with my internet access.