am i really pregnant?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
im 4 days late,i have done 3 clear blue digital tests and they were all positive,does it matter that i didn't use morning wee but still got a positive?i have no other signs expect the positive test,am i really pregnant,are the tests right?anybody ever get a false positive?
If they were all positive then you are pregnant. It doesn't matter when you wee'd. You can get a false negative but never a false positive. You are really pregnant.
If you have a home pregnancy test that is POSITIVE, then you ARE pregnant. Congratulations!

There are very, very few false positives......because the test only picks up on the hormone that is produced in your body when you ARE pregnant. The accuracy rate is greater than 99%.

Make an appointment with an OB doctor and start planning for a baby! Congratulations!
your really pregnant.
you should still go see
a doctor to make sure.
and see what you have to do.
a POSiTiVE is a POSiTiVE.
yes you are pregnant.
if you go to the clinic and take their test...
it'll be a positive.

how long ago did you have sex??