Should I get one big fish or a bunch of smaller fish?


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Since the rule is one inch of fish per gallon of water and I want to abide by this what is the best way to go for my 10 gallon tank? Should I get one 10 inch fish, two 5 inch fish, 3 3 inch fish, of 10 1 inch fish? I don't know what to get! I really want an Oscar should I just get one and be done with it? But I also like Cardinal Tetras should I get 8 or 9 of them? HELP!
A 10-gallon tank is too small for one big fish. How would you like to live in a 4x4 room all your life? Also, bigger fish = bigger poop.

You'd have a more interesting setup in your little 10-gallon tank if you stick with fish that stay small, under 2 or 2 1/2 inches at maturity. That still gives you plenty to choose from, and you could have a variety too. Please check that your choices are compatible, regarding temperament and conditions needed.

Seven Cardinals and a couple of Cory catfish would work nicely, as an example.
get a bunch of small fish because if the one big one dies you wont have anymore and you will have to buy another plus it will be more expensive since they are bigger
hope that helps:)
Don't get an oscar. They get to be at least eight or nine inches, most exceeding that. In general, a full grown oscar needs a 55 gallon tank to be fairly happy. They don't like being crammed in tiny tanks, and just because the tank is small, it still won't stunt the growth of the oscar. Those growth stunting theories are all wrong and are actually very cruel for the fish, because that means they get to move around maybe an inch before they run out of tank space.
The thing about that one inch per gallon rule is that they don't count the volume or fullness of the fish. A skinny stick like fish probably needs less space than a fat, round goldfish the same length.
When you go for stocking a tank, always understock. Cardinal tetras get to be at least two inches long, so obviously they wouldn't work in a 10.
About six neon tetras would work in a 10, since they're small and they're skinny. But as for a 10 inch fish, who poops more? 10 tiny fish or 1 monster?
I would go for 3 3inch fish, if I had to abide by your selection options. That means maybe three swordtails/mollies.
Or you could try a school of six neon tetras plus three corydoras catfish.
Also, bigger fish tend to need a LOT more space than other fish, and it can also depend on aggression issues. For cichlids, most from the great lakes of Africa, are very territorial and for six of them to live in one tank, no matter how small they are, they'll probably need a thirty gallon tank, and most likely bigger.
The rule of inch doesn't work especially on oscars an full grow oscar needs a 75 gallon tank(it wouldn't even turn in a 10 gallon) you can fit more than 5 two inch fish(especially if they are schoolers/shoalers)and cardinal tetras get 2 inches and you wanna keep 8 or 9 so your not following it either and good thing to because you don't need to kust come to use for stocking help not the stupid rule and the cardinal tetras will be fine in the 10 gallon You can fit as much as 10 cardinals happily
A 10 gallon tank for a Oscar spells disaster! Oscar grow very large and even a 29 gallon is not suitable and you can risk stunting their growth by forcing them to live in a tight space such as a 10 gallon. Not only that...Oscars are messy fish and you will be cleaning it daily with tank so small. The tetras will do fine. I think the more fish you have in a tank the better as I wanna see fish....not decorations as long as the fish are not too big for their tank.
Just get a bunch of little fish because 1 fish could be boring. Also make sure you dont overstock the tank.