Are the conspiracies of 9/11 backfiring?


New member
Dec 29, 2008
I have asked several colleagues in my firm if they are doing anything to help the Palestinians and some refused claiming it is just a "conspiracy" just like some Muslims say 9/11 was.

Has all these 9/11 conspiracies contributed to people having a bad opinion of Muslims?
Biro- Me and you both know Israel has the equipment to take care of herself. Now tell me what have the Palestinians got?

Wouldn't Jesus be proud that you are sticking by the people who rejected him.
Muslim (moroccan)- And you expect people to feel sorry for Muslims when you say things like that?
Biro- Do you also feel sorry for the one or two Nazi Germans who got killed by rebellious Jews in the Holocaust?
Zahid- That site you are using is propaganda at it's worst!.
Biro- Ok if Israel are not targeting civilians then why have they destroyed 6 Mosques and a University?

And Yes the Israeli army are like the Nazis.
Biro- This would never happened if Israelis didn't steal Palestinian land.
I am waiting to hear from a conspiracy theory that does not directly benefit Arabs.

All of them seem to absolve them of ever having done any wrong and/or simply vilify their enemies.