Why won't my HP connect to the internet?


New member
Dec 29, 2008
I only got the laptop for Christmas and it will not connect to the internet via wireless that really didn't boder me as i don't use the laptop outside the house so i connected it manually but that won't work either now any idea's???
First question is do you have a wireless router? If not you have no wireless to connect to
its hard to find out the problem. i would call your internet service provider verizon/comcast etc. its hard to find a solution because I dont know what kind of computer you have and I dont know whatt kind of internet service you have.
Click the wireless button above your keyboard that should enable wireless connection.
Click the wireless button above your keyboard that should enable wireless connection.
Click the wireless button above your keyboard that should enable wireless connection.
Click the wireless button above your keyboard that should enable wireless connection.