I am gay and been with my bf for almost 6 months..The sex....?


New member
Dec 29, 2008
Well the sex was good at first, and it's okay when we do have sex, but it always is one sided to his favor because i always seem like the one doing a "job" or either on the receiving end. I had a rather wild and experimental sex life when i was single, which was fun and would not want to return to that whole lifestyle, but how can i ask my bf to try different things when he says that He should be enough so i should not want or need a toy to have sex?
Your boyfriend is full of crap and being selfish.

Let him know you need more out of the sex life, an equal partner in the giving and receiving. IF he still refuses, you should consider if you are really happy together.

Someone so selfish in bed, to me is just the same in life.
Turn the whole experience into a game, and be spontaneous, try to keep it out of the bedroom for a while.