Will the NBC show Meet the Press turn into Obama central, ?

It's blatantly obvious the Position this network took on Obama, So would
it not be likely this show would become a love fest for the Obama man.
I doubt it. Just from a financial point of view, that would be a very bad decision. The program has a reputation for objectivity, and for asking tough questions. If it loses that, ratings will go way down.
What exactly have they done for you to come to that conclusion?

Why would you care anyway? I thought Republicans don't watch the "liberal media" or the uneducated Hollywood types LOL

I wonder what republicans watch?
David Gregory has never been one of my favorite news people, if you
want to call him that, His Bias reporting rivals that of his friend and head
of Bias at NBC Bryan Williams, They will spoon feed any Obama team
member quesitons with a soft glove, Never will this man (obama) ever
be looked at in a bad light by NBC.
If you think about it, who is president at the time largely determines the guests in the long history of the show. For example, 1981-1988 it was Reagan central. Meese and Donald Regan and the rest were frequent guests.

Don't over-react is my advice.
Yes they will have to hand out bibs to all the anchors who drool all over themselves when they even say his name...while the rest of us will need buckets to puke in
Of course. MSNBC has been the Obama channel for almost two years.