My dad is addicted to red bull?


New member
Dec 17, 2008
He quit drinking a few years ago, but has picked up some minor bad habits. One of them is routinely drinking energy drinks. He can't go a day without drinking a red bull or monster energy drink because he said he's "wiped out". He rarely drinks more than 1 can a day (2 at most). Some days he won't drink them at all, but most of the time he does. Is this bad?
energy drinks are very unhealthy. they get ur heart rate at a really dangerous level and eventually u could die. get ur dad help. i am not making this up; research it.

Is that your Dad I see with the guys wolfing down Red Bulls? Dude, he is awesome. I want to wolf down Red Bulls like him. Super cool.

What's wrong with Red Bulls? Stop looking for trouble.
try to make him have an alternative to red bull.
to get him to stop tell him all the bad things about energy drinks and all the good things about the alternative drink.
and lastly try to keep him from seeing energy drink ads and chuck out all the empty cans