How can I get rid of annoying people who keep parking in my driveway?


New member
Sep 4, 2008
people keep parking in my driveway. It really wasn't a problem until a bar opened up the block and the patrons are just rude and belligerent. It's annoying seeing as I have to call the police to ticket them before I can have them towed (in nyc), which by and by is extremely satisfying, but people always come back before the tow truck gets here. And honestly they deserve it so I have no pity.

There are two no parking signs posted on the driveway doors, and a yellow line painted. It's pretty clear. These people are idiots. How can I stop them from parking? can I put sand filled cones/garbage cans? or something of the sort? Because nothing seems to stop them otherwise.

Some claim that they're "out of state" and "not from around here" but COME ON NO PARKING is NO PARKING ANYWHERE in the US or the english speaking world.