Do you think that gay marriage is inevitable?

Jul 29, 2008
Not in the sense that it'll happen even if everyone stopped working for it, but in the sense that if people keep working for it, they will succeed.
Yes, in America.
Lynn411 Which church, and what exactly would "Enough is enough" look like, beyond what is already being done?

As long as moral people are willing to fight for what is right, gay "marriage" is not inevitable.
Yes I think so, and I support gays' right to marry whom they wish. If we don't all enjoy the same freedoms, then everyone's freedom is threatened.
Yes. It's a simple question of common fairness. Equity. It is immoral to deny rights to one group without good reasons, and taboos based upon ancient superstitions are not good reasons.
Gay marriage =Have you heard of the new marriages on the East coast and Cali is moving on it . .But they are still gay ! And maybe your Dad can bring Mom a new boyfriend too.
Yes. The Constitution serves and protects the rights of all people. If churches refuse, that's their business but there should be no civic barrier to any consenting adults marrying.
I do believe gay marriage should be allowed. HOWEVER, I do not think we are going to see it as a standard in our lifetime.
All law abiding adult citizens deserve equal rights. Period.
Of course it's inevitable.
Its not the fact that it is inevitable. It has already been here for thousands of years. Its the fact that they are saying move over. We are taking over. We want your approval and demand laws that state that you have to give it. Whether you like it or not. They are battling with nature itself but can't take nature to court. So they take those who live normally and in the natural like they should and demand laws to enslave them to dictate them into changing not just their opinions but their lifestyles too. (Hypocrites).
Yes it will happen. Look how long it took for women to have equal rights and desegregation. Like all things, the minority will be successful at gaining some even and common ground.
I read through the answers and the ignorance is killing me.

I sure as hell hope that equal rights no matter who you like is inevitable.
It is likely that it will become the norm ....just as every other sin has become the norm in our world view. Frankly, I hope the world as we know it will end before that time...but either way, I believe God will do what God will do.