My dad -- I need answers!?


Active member
May 12, 2008
My dad is being a total *** and made me sit down for a lecture about half an hour long about respect and whatever. At the end he says "Where you even listening?" and I said, "Yeah, of course." so now i have to write three things i learned from his little speech. Trouble: I wasnt listening---AT ALL.
This is what I have:
1) I learned to respect all adults
2) nothing
3) nothing

any ideas for 2 or 3 ? Help? x[
your dad made you do that? How old are you? How old does he think you are?
Well, you can go online and search stuff and write down stuff and when he says he didnt say that, just say you inferred from the facts he said that that is true.
Or, you can tell him that his speech was nonsense.
Chances are, you had that lecture, because you ARE a brat. Obviously you DON'T have any respect for your dad.