Sexuality is a choice?


Jun 13, 2008
I am heterosexual and never had any other desire. It seems to me, if someone says sexuality is a choice, they must be struggling with the choice. So, those who say this, how often do you have your homosexual desires? (Those making this claim are generally religious, so I ask here)
Why are people attacking me? I support gay rights. My point is that the religious who say it's a choice must struggle with the choice.
Making claims about something one knows nothing about is presumptuous and disingenuous.

Translation: They're opinion isn't worth anything.
They'll never admit it. Most Christians are closet homosexuals that, due to their own Christian upbringing, are so terrified and repulsed by themselves they pretend they're heterosexual and that there is something wrong with homosexuality and bisexuality.

Now you know they won't answer that! Honestly it's not just the religious. Everyone at some point in their lives whether they admit it or not has had those stray thoughts and yes some even have those desires. Do you honestly think that they would publicly admit it? Me? I am not concerned what people think about me. If I am unwilling to answer a question I just don't.

I don't really believe that homosexuality is a choice for all gay people and for some it may even be a spirit that is on them and yes even other it is a choice.

Look we don't choose to sin. It happens to us all. If you are breathing you are most likely sinning. Man has a sin nature and the stufff that is going on today does not make it any easier on us. Homosexual lust is a sin and so is heterosexual lust. Come on I know that the way some girls and women dress in church makes us all sin. Men check out women and women check out men right in church! We all need to be forgiven for our sins.

I have no hatred in me for Gay people and I feel that they have a right to go to church and to be saved just like the rest of us sinners and those who don't need to read Matthew chapter 23 and revisit Jesus' own words;"Judge not least you are Judged".

I know that is probably not the answer you were looking for but it is the truth as far as I know it to be. I hope that in your journey you find peace and more I pray that you find your salvation if you haven't already.

Be blessed and stay that way!

Like you, I am also a heterosexual and I've never had the slightest desire to be intimate with another man. Nevertheless, I have had many gay friends and I consider them very fine, humane, and considerate people. I would certainly much rather hang out as the only straight in a gay bar, than as the only atheist in a typical group of Christians.

Personally, I think that sexuality is imprinted and that our first sexual experiences have a lot to do with how our instinctive behaviors manifest themselves. I do not think sexuality is a choice, in the sense that one can easily change their preferences. I am a lot more offended by Christian intolerance of homosexuality than by the thought that Bruce might like my tush.

Years ago I attended a Gay-Pride day in San Francisco. There was a kissing booth and I contributed five dollars because I was going to be kissed by Carol Doda. They put a blindfold on me and "Carol" did a number on me. The thing is, when I took the blindfold off, it wasn't Carol Doda, the famous stripper. It was a very good looking gay man who kissed me. The whole crowd was in on it, and I was a good sport. The thing is, with the blindfold on, I absolutely could not tell the difference. I'm convinced that a big part of our sexuality is our own expectations.
People are not born homosexual contrary to some beliefs, This is an evil desire that Satan promotes. 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards nor slanderers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
If there were no homosexuals, no one would ever suggest sexuality was a choice.

People see homosexuals gravitating as naturally as can be to the same sex and assume they decided to be different. Nothing could be further from the truth. People don't choose their sexual attractions.
If there were no homosexuals, no one would ever suggest sexuality was a choice.

People see homosexuals gravitating as naturally as can be to the same sex and assume they decided to be different. Nothing could be further from the truth. People don't choose their sexual attractions.
Here's the problem with the "gay gene" theory... if there is a gene for homosexuality, then there is probably also a gene for pedophilia or necrophilia. Gays talk as if they can't help it... oh really? So does that mean all gay people are attracted to all members of the same sex? They can't help themselves but try to hump someone of the same gender who gets too close to them? Don't they have any choice over their self-control? Of course they do.

Also, nobody is 100% gay or 100% straight. The notion that sexuality is predetermined makes no sense, and leaves no room for people who are bisexual, or people who have had homosexual relations but now are happy in heterosexual relationships. Homosexual behavior is a high level activity - there may be genes which predispose people towards being masculine or feminine and depending upon environmental considerations they may be attracted to one sex or the other, but that's a lot different from saying, "I was born gay." There is no conclusive evidence - we are nowhere near so advanced in the field of genetics where we can map DNA sequences to very high level behavior.

It's important to also recognize that just because someone might believe there is no "gay gene" does not mean they are homophobic. Just like if you don't think "alcoholism is a disease" it doesn't mean you hate alcoholics. It means you have an issue with the deployment of pseudo-science into areas where it isn't proven or appropriate.

There is no "gay gene." With that being said, I am all for gay rights and I support gay people wanting to get married, have civil unions and *especially* being able to adopt and raise children. I just think they do a disservice to humanity to play the "gene card" and suggest they're different and special and can't help it. You can choose who you want to have sex with. That is a choice.
It sure is; it's EXACTLY the same as left or right handedness?
Everyone can remember when they chose which hand to do stuff with ...
Can't they?
I was born female. I am happy with being female, but it wasn't my choice. That is how God made me.

Regarding sexual desire? That is where the choice is. Whether we act on our sexual desire. Sometimes desire overcomes us. It really depends on if we obey God in it or not. We have a choice to obey or disobey God.
I'll just say this, if you think sexuality is a choice, were you asexual at birth? No, you were born with it.
When did you "choose" to become straight?
I read the first sentence. You have no desire because you are HETERO, you were BORN that way.

I think that naturally gender preferance is a way to regulate a deadly increase in population like 1 out of 10 people is gay.

Also it is a mixture of genes, environment, and how you are raised.
to some degree it is a choice but then it's not something you can just keep changing ether.
Beer Lover!:have is there a straight gene.
You have choices with everything you do. You can choose what you eat, where you work or who you sleep with.
Are you people really that thick that you cant tell that It's a genetic issue not a choice but for the 10% who are just sick pricks. Give me your proof that it's a choice and people might listen.I am also heterosexual. to the bloke called slice you are full of shit pal