Whats The Weirdest Thing You've Seen For Sale On EBAY?

An empty biscuit wrapper.

Someone took a packet of hob-nobs in to work, then got called out. By the time he got back the biscuits were gone, so he put the empty wrapper on to try to get his money back.
hahaah i saw a 10 year old
really stinky rags very disturbing in my thought hahaha

lets just say, there were no bids on it
but a price of $90.00 from the seller

One dollor.
And someone brought it for 20 dollors!!
I mean what the hell?
:) x
Rofl Waffles

2 Eggo waffles with ROFL imprinted on them
Rofl Waffles

2 Eggo waffles with ROFL imprinted on them
Brittany's panties. As I'm sure they were a fake cause she doesn't wear any.
Used panties...and not a celebrities, but just some guy's wife's dirty panties....disgusting!
a jar of toe nails and the jar had dirt all over it and cracks it eventaully sold for $70.00 lol thats disgusting but i think there werder
Definately a used condom. No I didn't search for it :p it was linked in a forum. It even said comes with it's own j1zz :S Didn't know you could write that sort of stuff on there.