Are Mitsubishi eclipses expensive to repair? in comparison to a toyota?

well, toyota isn't too much to repair compared to a lot of other foreign cars besides most Japanese. Mitsubishi shouldn't be too much to fix either.
well it depends on what kind of mechanical problems are wrong with the vehicles. toyota or mitsubishi. i owed a mitsubishi at one time and i had alot of mechanical problems with it like the engine went out like at 70,000. i put a rebuilt in it which was like 2400.
then my axles broke on both sides which cost me like 1200 each to repair.
then after all that some idiot ran a stop sign and totaled my car out which i think was for the best.
now, i currently own a 2002 toyota celica 5 speed with a trd package and haven't had any problems with it.
toyotas are the best #1 selling vehicle out on the market.
yeah it just matters on what needs repaired.
all vehicles are costly to repair because the mechanic is getting paid like 60.00 a hour.
good luck.
i hope you really go with a toyota.