Is my God also everyone else's, regardless of religion?


May 18, 2008
You guys simply love that line, its very handy for excluding others.
Let's get this straight: 'No one can come to the Father unless the Holy Spirit draws him". I'm a Christian but I do not believe it was anything I was taught, read or heard. I believe in Jesus Christ simply because I was inexplicably drawn to Him.

God made everything, maybe there is life on other planets, who created them? The same God who created the earth we occupy.

I reject the thought that we mere humans can put an Almighty God into a box: He does not reject anyone who loves and tries to serve Him if their motives are right and hearts sincere. God accepts everyone's repentance He hears all of our prayers, He directs all of our lives.

I think it grieves God that Christians who are hateful, judgmental dishonest, mean, etc., and then depend on a few words of 'accepting Jesus' but living a life of Hell, living their lives as if there was no God believing can place their sins on Him because of His suffering and death is a great grievance to the heart of God. If one is truly 'saved' their lives are changed and do not take Christ's life as a license to do whatever they choose believing His suffering & death is like some kind of insurance policy.

They remind me of the chapter in the Bible about the Sadducee's Pharisees. The Pharisees pridefully praised God that they were not like the others who sat in the back of the temple heartbroken and repentants in need of God. God rejected the Pharisees

It's time for people to quit looking at the faults of others and look within themselves.

Too many here at Yahoo write these self-righteous, judgemental messages that prove only that they really do not study all the Bible and do not spend enough time in prayer and meditation.
There are some groups that worship money, others follow a god that encourages deception and violence towards people not in their group, others follow multiple gods of that have various natures, some follow only the self-centered “its all about me” god and some follow The FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster) just to list a few.

All of which are very different than The Lord I follow, whose Son Jesus came not only for our sins but also to teach/remind us of a better way of life which all begins with one simple yet sometimes complex rule that says, “Do to others as we would have others do to us.”

So no all religions do worship the same god.
Or at least they do not follow the teachings of Our Lord and Savior.

As for which one you follow, I do not know, but I suspect that it is very easy to find many many groups that follow, by their words as well as by their actions, a very different god than the one you follow.

May Our Creator watch over you and your family.
I think most worship the same God just a different name
God is universal and speak,s to the hearts of men and
I have no doubt that most are the same,
There is only One True God. Jehovah Jirah, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shalom. The Alpha and Omega the First and the Last. The Lord of the future the God that was in the past. He is the great I AM, Jehovah is His name.
but what you believe is in control of ultimate reality might be completely bogus. but what is in control is absolute and you are relative.
Well, I believe that there is more than one way to a god(Goddess, Gods, etc.). I don't think theres any one "right" way to practice religion. I am agnostic. I do not like the Christian religion because anyone who is not a Christian has to go to hell because the Bible says so.