Am I loosing the life of my grandson...?


New member
Dec 25, 2008
My son and his future wife have recently informed my wife and I that we were to soon be grandparents, Last night , Sad to say , my son informed my wife that his girlfriend wants to go get an abortion. WOW... Not what we expected or him,,, not at alllll. so, 2 mos along
i guess so..but if they aren't ready to take care of the baby, it's better to end his life now than make him suffer after he is actually born
They shouldn't be doing the dirty deed if they didn't want to get pregnant. That's what having sex does, it makes babies.
that is why abortion should be banned. Sorry that she wants to be a baby killer.
Maybe she is having second thoughts about being able to care for the child.
Reassure her that you and your wife will be there to help out and offer support.
If after she thinks about it, she may decide to have the baby. Maybe not.
Good luck, and I hope, congratulations.
Our first grandson is less than 2 months old and he already has us wrapped around is fingers. I think I'd about die if something happened to him. I'm so sorry for your pain, but I will tell you this, that I'm going to be praying for you and that God will change her mind.

I'm asking everyone who reads this to please pray about this. I personally know Jesus (God) hears and answers prayer.