GUYS!? I need your opinions on this one?! GIRS TOO?

Apr 7, 2008
Yesterday I was at the mall w/ my mom,waiting for her to finish shopping.So I decided to send out a txt msg to everyone in my contacts.All it said was *~*~*Merry Christmas*~*~*. I sent it to literally everyone in my contacts.4 minutes passed after I sent it, and then my cell phone rang. It was a guy I know from church (I've known him for about a year now…..we used to see each other all the time at youth functions, but we’re not like bff’s) and he was like, "hey. did you just text me?" UH, DUH. Then I remember...He'd told me b4 that he doesn't HAVE txting.OOPS! "Oh! Sorry...I sent that to everyone.I 4got u don't have txting." "I do, i just don't txt." "Sorry. I guess I owe ya a quarter then." Then he said, "oh no, that's ok. So, how are you?" and then we ended up talking for 17 minutes.Keep in mind I am not a phone person. SOOOOO. GUYS…I just thought it was a little unusual. I mean, if I didn’t like 2 txt and someone I kno sent me a generic txt msg, I would prolly be like, “oh,that’s nice.” But not call them up! So…Maybe I’m overreacting, but was he just looking for a good excuse to call me? IDK.
Ya, this guy definitely likes you and he wants to hang around with you to catch up since that it`s been a while for you guys.
I guess he just wanted to catch up on things. No, I wouldn't call either. Well... Do you like him?
He probably wasnt used to getting text messages, and was surprised by it. And whats the point of having a phone if your not gonna use it?