Changed Mind About Wanting Kids for Future Spouse?


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Has anyone out there changed their mind about the life-altering decision of having children for their future spouse/spouse? My boyfriend and I are talking about spending our lives together and getting engaged soon and one issue that has me somewhat worried is that he has always wanted children and it's never been something on my to-do list. So, I am considering the whole marriage/family idea and think my boyfriend would be a great father one day. The idea doesn't turn my stomach or anything, I've just always had other priorities and have never been good with babysitting or kids. Has anyone else been in this situation and how has it turned out for you? Any regrets? I hear once you have the children that you love it... Thanks for your advice. BTW, we are both 30 so it's not like we haven't both given this some thought. Happy Holidays!