How can someone go through the day without eating? Is it healthy?


New member
Jun 7, 2008
I woke up at 3 this morning and it is now 8 pm and I have ate anything but from some reason I'm not that hungry. The only thing I had was chips and salsa around 11 am. How can someone go through the day without eating? Is it not healthy if it's not done on purpose?
Sorry I meant-

I haven't aten anything
oh its fine just dont go like that for a week. and you dont have to eat a lot either eaching chips and salsa once a day is perfectly ok
its not healthy if its on purpous
but sometimes your just not hungry
and if your not hungry you shouldn't eat
i have day like that to
Not healthy. You should eat the recommended amount of times a day and all the healthy stuffs and whatnot. Don't ask here, google food groups. But you won't die after one day of not eating.
That's nothing at all.
Ever hear of fasting? The mainly religious term used when people leave food out of their diets for days at a time, consuming only beverages, or even just water, in order to purify their system and to be able to increase their spiritual hearing.

Anyways, I've gone 8 days without eating, and only drank green tea and water during those days. I obviously had less energy, but it didn't hurt me and I actually felt better afterwards.

Sometimes you just don't feel like eating, and that's fine. Your body craves certain types of food and at certain times for a reason.

Don't worry about it.
its easy to go a day without eating...that doesn't matter but after a few days without eating it gets unhealthy...
Naw I did that all the time in college. I was just too lazy I guess to make something to eat. I usually went the whole weekend with out eating. I just drank beer. Soon I just got used to not eating some days.
One day without food won't really hurt your body but they might have hunger pains. People do fasts for forty days and a person can live for weeks without food.
Naw I did that all the time in college. I was just too lazy I guess to make something to eat. I usually went the whole weekend with out eating. I just drank beer. Soon I just got used to not eating some days.
Naw I did that all the time in college. I was just too lazy I guess to make something to eat. I usually went the whole weekend with out eating. I just drank beer. Soon I just got used to not eating some days.