Do people actually believe, that by picking up there pepsi bottles, and "going


New member
Sep 25, 2008
green" they can save the Earth? I find it hard to believe that Global warming "believers" or whatever they are called think THEY can save the Earth. lol. Has the common liberal ever taken a science class? Do you know how many, asteroids, comets, etc have SLAMMED into the planet? supposedly, we have our moon because of an impact with another PLANET. I think crashing into another planet would have a bigger effect on the planet, than driving down the street. It really cracks me up when I see people thinking they can save the planet. Why doesn't the entire human race realize that we really are just Smart animals? Not smart enough?

But no, you're right. The earth is MUCH better off dirty and polluted.
People who pick up Pepsi bottles are doing good. Never knock any one who is doing good, no matter how small the effort.
Recycling has almost nothing to do with global warming. It's concerned with the conservation of resources. There's only so much bauxite (the ore from which we get aluminum in the world.
Well, you've certainly proven you aren't smart enough by this question. Luckily the human race isn't relying on you for anything.
to answer the slight question in your rant, yes they think they can make the planet habitable longer if they can stop pollution
I think some people do thing that it would work but, i don't think so. It is a good start and yes we should resycle and stuff but it will not make that much of a dif.
You're comparing major asteroid collision, which happen on average every 250k years, to pollution? I'm convinced you've never taken a science class.


It's safe to say you will never amount to anything with your lack of logic and common sense.
Straw man argument, not even partially a question. NO ONE has ever contended anything as ridiculous as the moronity you "propose" in your demented and simplistic, slobber-mouthed fascists mongoloid way. And of course, even the dimwit reactionaries you listen to on hate radio know that. So I am reporting your nincompoop twaddle.

Recycling is simple economic and ecological sense. But obviously, no one can explain that to a slug like you.

What a scum bag asswipe bastard!
I'm not understanding your point. Even if you don't believe in global warming, would you rather have bottles tossed around everywhere, litter in parks, not trying to conserve anything? It may not be enough - it probably isn't - but it can't HURT to be a little mindful of yourself. Whatever happened to a bit of personal responsibility?
Yes it is ironic. the recyclers use more gasoline to take the empties to the recycling center than they save in energy recycling the bottles.
So then why bother doing anything or making an effort at all? Just throw your @rap all over the place and spend your life driving to MacDonalds and shopping at the mall. We'll just keep drilling and bombing and polluting and raping the land and the oceans until there's nothing left. How's that? Great idea.
We can try to avoid dramatic climate change and even if the theory of global climate change is wrong we can lower the per capita usage of energy and raw materials in developed nations which leaves more for those who live in poverty. Did you know that when you recycle those pepsi bottles you are only using 24% of the energy required to make those bottles from virgin materials.

The probability of climate change impacting our lives in the near future is higher than that of an impact with a large asteroid or comet but we should have ways of averting such an event. The technology really isn't there yet. We can try nuking it but that may not work very well especially on bigger objects.
We can try to avoid dramatic climate change and even if the theory of global climate change is wrong we can lower the per capita usage of energy and raw materials in developed nations which leaves more for those who live in poverty. Did you know that when you recycle those pepsi bottles you are only using 24% of the energy required to make those bottles from virgin materials.

The probability of climate change impacting our lives in the near future is higher than that of an impact with a large asteroid or comet but we should have ways of averting such an event. The technology really isn't there yet. We can try nuking it but that may not work very well especially on bigger objects.