What is the website where girls can post pictures and gossip about other girls?


May 20, 2008
Not Myspace or Facebook! A specfic website to gossip about girl you don['t like
NO someone said I was on IT!!!! I JUST wanted to see what they said
Im not sure of when but i totally understand, the people answering this need to shut the $#@%$#% up sometimes you just have to get something out about somebody you hate so u dont friggin explode on them. i will look for one
lol: are you serious
are you trying to start mean girls -> online!
stop it now!
people who do that are pathetic, and need to get a hobby
try something to take out your anger, other then people
who're probably better then you anyaway
I would hope that something so pathetic and immature doesn't exist. Why don't you and your equally miserable gossip buddies create one?

By the way, posting something like that is a good way to get sued.

EDIT: If someone told you that you were on it, then that person can tell you where to find it.
that sounds terrible
eithe shut the fuck up
or dont be a little bitch and confront them