Why does God keep spreading rumors about my financial state?

Jun 2, 2008
First I received this:

From: adriver007
Message: You can keep saying the sane stuff all that you want to! You are sane to this world, and will end up in hell! You better believe it! But, I have done all I can with you! The Lord has told me about your debt and financial problems, so, believe what you want, but you need help!

And after assuring that person that I am not, in fact, in debt and have no financial problems, I got this:

From: adriver007
Message: No, God told me about your troubles! You will end up at the bottom! There is plenty of evidence of Hell! You just know i am right and won't admit it! Calling me names, just becuase you are wrong is not very becoming! you are a poor, broke down person who needs some help, and the only person who can help you is jesus christ! I am sorry that you don't believe this, but it is true!

How can I make God understand it is a sin to spread false rumors like that?
You can call us Christians crazy, but we care about you guys. We have a gold mine and we want to share the wealth with you!
No, no. Clearly what this person is sorry for is that you don't believe is that you actually ARE in debt and DO need divine help.

So... hm. I guess it's only that you're insane? And really in debt, but you're not sane enough to realize that?
Well, they also know that my life is miserable, that I secretly want to believe in God, that I worship Darwin (sometimes Dawkins), that I hate God, that I'm a "child of apathy" (I have no idea what that one means, either), that I'm immoral, that I'm going to hell, and that I rejected God so I could live a sin-filled life without consequences.

They know more about me than even *I* know about me. It's amazing.

This is why I don't allow messages from this site. I see enough hate right on the forum without dealing with it in my mailbox.