Why do people eat pigs if they know that they eat their own dirt and it's not


New member
Dec 15, 2008
healthy? I also watched in a video how from cola added to pork, worms get out from the pork. Its also can cause cancer! In my religion allah said we are not allowed to eat pigs because of this reasons. Can anyone explain?
Pigs are one of the cleanest animals extant. They are only dirty if kept in dirty conditions. They are badly affected by sunburn, and are not the easiest of animals to rear in hot dry climates, which explains why they wallow in the mud to protect their skin, and why jews and muslims ; both religions originating in hot dry countries, and developing there, have similar prohibitions against the noble pig. It makes the prohibitions easy to follow. Just like the one against shellfish. Badly treated and reared pigs can develop a worm clled tricholomae. Which is why as a safeguard , pork is always well cooked. I think that your proscription against pork is more cultural than religious. It then follows, that if you wish to prohibit something, it definitely helps to demonise it. Can everyone in the world, who is an omnivore(like the pig) be wrong, and only jews and muslims be right?
I don't know who has been telling you this rubbish, but I suggest you stop listening to them. My uncle was a pig farmer and none of the nonsense you are spouting is true.

God told St Peter it was ok to eat pigs.
Do you eat eggs? If so,why? They come out of the chicken's arse. Is that unclean? Get a life and start thinking for yourself.
Get over yourself, just because you have been brainwashed into believing in a religious cult, please don't spout this rubbish around!

Look at other reports, ones not made by "Allah" followers, ones based on facts, not fiction.

Oh, and as Leah said, it tastes good, very good.
in biblical days the conditions were much worse than today. lack of a way to keep meat cool is one. your religion didnt want people of that period to risk eating things that could make them sick. Your lamb is just as bad if not worse than pig.
true,true im a muslim too.and i have never touched pigs.(or its meat)
i have actually seen a real life experiment,using pork and cola,and after 24 hours,i did actually see worms coming out of the pork!it was so gross....