Iphone or Blackberry bold. Any opinions?


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I'm trying to choose between the iphone & the blackberry bold. Any opinions? I'll be using the phone for email & voice. I'd probably use it as my new ipod too, but I don't text alot. I will be emailing though.
the bold has a better battery but the iphone has more abilities partly because of the apps that can be added to it. I have an iphone and the battery life is not astounding if u are using it a lot but its pretty good. Blackberry's just have more battery life always.
First of All, do NOT get a storm. It has performance problems. I've used one, and it needs major work.

I would recommend the iPhone simply because it's a lot easier to use compared to the Bold. Plus, Email on the iPhone is amazing! And it'll have that integrated iPod functionality you want.
The iPhone is multimedia more than anything else. But give it enough time, and there'll be apps for anything. The iPhone is loads of fun, whereas the Blackberry Bold is more of that hardcore business type of phone. I'd go with the iPhone.
The iPhone is multimedia more than anything else. But give it enough time, and there'll be apps for anything. The iPhone is loads of fun, whereas the Blackberry Bold is more of that hardcore business type of phone. I'd go with the iPhone.
if you can, go with the blackberry storm, it has the best of both worlds, it have an integrated touch screen with the reliable blackberry operating system. It has been said to be the iphone killer and also runs on the 3g network, it you want a touch smart phone theres the right choice. But if its between those two and you want to use it as your music player then go with the iphone, but the blackberry bold is great and way better than the iphone for all the emailing you plan on doing, The choice is all up to what you specifically are going to be doing with it. Theres just a few ideas for you.