Do you wish MMA fighters would fight more often or multiple times a night?


New member
Dec 14, 2008
Sometimes I wish we could see MMA fighters fight more often than they do. Many times we have to wait several months to see our favorites fight again. Do you wish they would fight more often, like once a month or every other month at least? What about fighting a few times a day in a tournament like in the early UFC?

Though I am not an MMA fighter, I understand from watching the fights and boxing matches that fighters need to recover from injuries, and train more to make up for any deficiencies they had in the fight. But still, I wish the fights were more often.
Obviously they can't fight that often due to injuries and recovering from a fight. After they have recovered they obviously need a few months to prepare for the next fight so it all adds up. I'm sure you would understand if you were put in their shoes.