Which gadget is the best to give as Christmas present to my boyfriend?


May 20, 2008
Dear all,

I was thinking of buying some gadget as a Christmas present to my boyfriend. Something like USB gadget, or T-shirt which lights etc. Do you have any experience of some gadget that you can recommend me and it doesn't cost a lot. Since I am from EU, I am thinking something till max 30 euros.

Thank you in advance for all your answers!




Edit: Christ, I've just realised the Euro is now worth f*ck all.

Still, within your budget.
i think christmas wth ur man should be sexy romantic,a usb key or t-shirt with lights is a no no no.Get him you why don;t you go out and soed money on sexy santa outfight. He will die for you get him a few driks, make hm relaxed, even give him a bath mybf loves it put a face pacl on his body the whole works lots of bubbles first then wash him then when he is relaxed message his body, rub his hair wash it first slowly put lavender oil in the bath, it well really rela him, Then gve him a message in bed then show him what Sana got him for this year. Ifanyone asks what you got him for christmas juust say u bought him his shoes. if u dont want that I'd get him A nice belt witha lion on it, or a nice jumper or hoodie, or runners , go on to ask men .com they have great ideas.The funds arent uch so you an not get him any thing really great put then again it's the taughts that couts.