I got caught speeding and instead of getting points on my license I am...


New member
Jul 4, 2008
...being sent on a course......? Does anyone know what is involved in this course? Its only suppose to be three hours but its always better to know what I am in for! Thanks
My daughter went through one here in Michigan. It was a safety driving class but she said they talked about everything else but driving lol.
Not all courts give this option, she knows she lucked out; her only option was a court hearing or pay the ticket and points would have been on her record. ($90 for the ticket or $75 for the class)
I imagine it will include scenes from a serious road accident - bodies covered in blood etc - to show you that SPEED KILLS ! Think yourself lucky you're getting away with not having points on your licence !
IT costs around £50 this course and spends the time telling you everything you already know about driving with an emphasis on why you shouldn't speed.
Lucky you. I lost my licence for six months, because of these fascists. If only I had joined the police when I was younger.
The instructor usually does all the talking. You could have and Q/A at the end.
Usually they make you watch an instructional video. My mom had to do this the first time she got a ticket. After that it was normal points.
You'll sit in a class room and watch a video then a policeman will tell you stories of accidents then you'll have to write down what you've learnt.