What famous celebs have you gotten autographs from?


New member
Feb 19, 2008
I got autographs from all of the top 10 American Idols at the American Idol Tour (including David Archuletas! I also got my picture taken with him!) How about you?
None, Unfortunetly. The closet I;ve gotten is Miss. Virginia autograph. Thats it :[


Masia One, a female rapper
George, half Japanese pop singer.
Eternia - Canadian singer who just finished her tour in Europe.
I have David Archuleta's autograph, and a few pictures with him (including my picture on Yahoo Answers), David Cook's autograph, Jason Castro's autograph and a picture with him, Brooke White's autograph, Syesha Mercado's autograph, and Kristy Lee Cook's autograph. I was at the American Idols Live concert, too. (and I got another picture with David Archuleta when I won a contest at a radio station to meet him)
theo tams and drew wright
i almost got ozzy osbourne, but i didn't quite make it over to him in time.

answer mine? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Al9hs8LiR9DrbsFN9UmadYjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081211164242AAvbGzg
I got an autograph from Selena Gomez at the mall.I don't really like her that much,but she's very famous!
I got Richard Greco's (from 21 jump street) and Bejni Madden from Good Charlotte and also got a photo with him before the band got huge.
believe it or not i have a pic with me and barack obama, back when he was a senator in my state of Illinois. when i was younger my parents enrolled me in a program called "Big Brothers Big Sisters'' and the organization threw a dinner for all the kids who were part of the program and Barack was there, some reporters from our local chicago news and jesse jackson was there too. i still have the pic. and for some reason i dont know why i kept it, i mean back then i didnt know anything about him except that he was some senator(thrusthfully i didnt care much ) but now i am happy i kept my pic.
Walter Payton, Gale Sayers, Dan Marino, Brett Favre, Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future, Forrest Gump...etc Director), Tom Waddle, and Tom Hanks