has anyone ever had to 2 teachers with different styles of teaching and found one


May 13, 2008
more effective? has anyone had to teachers who taught different styles and u felt that one teacher is more effective, which teacher u felt is more effective in teaching and why? i need help with this question, wanted to know if anyone ever experiened this and if so, if u can share ur thoughts! thank u
Well of course...i have a few
this year my math teacher, Snyder, sucks, she is a good person but a terrible sience and math teacher last year my math and science teachers were the best math and science teachers i have ever had

in 7th grade i had this terrible spanish teacher and this year i have this wonderful spanish teacher who i have learned more spanish from the first week than a who term in my 7th grade spanish class.

last year i had a horrible chorus teacher and this year the teacher is fantastic.