Why do women complain that chivalry is dead?


New member
Dec 7, 2008
The Feminine movement destroyed it in my opinion, the whole we can do anything you can. So why do women get mad when you don't open a door for them but then turn around when you do and say that you think there just a weak woman that cant help themselves. My question is why do women want both and complain about getting one.
They are women. I've never met a women before who at no point has said something and meant the complete opposite. Example. "Baby, don't spend a lot of money on a birthday gift for me, I know you don't make a lot at your job". Two weeks later I give her these earings that weren't fantastic, but they were decent and were only like 50 bucks. "What the hell is this? Do you think I'm some cheap slut"? And that's how I lost my second girlfriend in college.
I am a feminist and I love men who open doors for me, or let me get on the bus first or want to protect me but above all of that.....

I love men who love women!

EDIT*** AMEN Musica! What a amazing response!
Chivalry is dead because men and women alike can be jerks. They also can be inconsiderate such as not holding doors open, or opening a car door, or just being rude in standing in lines, or making comments towards someone that they know nothing about. I also if you go to the South they teach the boys and girl to say "yes sir" and "yes madam". However on the West coast the politeness has gone away. I never complain about getting one or the other, its more so, I just men would be Gentleman.
Chivalry is dead because men and women alike can be jerks. They also can be inconsiderate such as not holding doors open, or opening a car door, or just being rude in standing in lines, or making comments towards someone that they know nothing about. I also if you go to the South they teach the boys and girl to say "yes sir" and "yes madam". However on the West coast the politeness has gone away. I never complain about getting one or the other, its more so, I just men would be Gentleman.
Who cares? Your whole question is apparently based on the premise that all women abide by feminism. How do you know that the women complaining chivalry is dead aren't against feminism?
If chivalry isn't dead, it ought to be!

The ONLY times anyone should be opening a door for someone else is either

1) they are PAID to do that such as a doorman at a fancy hotel/restaurant or

2) when the person's hands are full or they are of a very advanced age and/or clearly disabled and having obvious trouble...

This goes for EITHER gender. If you're young and able bodied...you are capable of opening your own doors!

However, I realize this isn't just about the simple act of door opening. Whenever I see a man have the kind of complaint you bring up here, I feel like asking them...

Why do so many men feel that they have to have certain conditions met in order to give basic common courtesy and respect to a woman?

To me, it's like they're saying " You want this door opened, baby? Well, I'll open the door for you and pretend to be nice to you, but ONLY if you sell your soul to me and play by MY RULES...and the rule is this:

You as a woman in order to get the Chivalry Treatment... must agree to live permanently as a second class citizen, always, be content with unequal pay, never challenge laws that discriminate simply because you were born with a vagina..

and one more thing, before I put that hand on that knob...

You have to promise that you must ALWAYS always remain thin, pretty and quiet. You have to give up your goals and dreams, keep a low profile throughout your life, and worship the very ground I walk on simply because I have a penis...

and then once those conditions are met, then MAYBE I'll respect you...but don't hold your breath....cuz I see a babe hotter than you walking down the street I gotta go chase"


Thank God my man doesn't think that way. Men of quality aren't threatened by women seeking equality :)