is what i did wrong? gave advice on internet infertility drugs?


New member
Oct 30, 2008
i told a girl( now a friend) on the internet about ordering clomid from the internet and proper dosages/ she concieved and lost the first one, than the second one went full term, she now has a baby boy, and she credits me with her pregnancy/ she had pcos. i know some of you are way against what i did, but i spent thousands at the fertility doctor and know most of the stuff/ and it is legal, or else you couldn't buy the stuff, and i see there are alot of trying to concieve questions
Actually you can't legally buy prescription drugs online without a valid prescription from a doctor first off (many people illegally sell their left over prescriptions online from clomid to pergonal). Secondly, prior to going on clomid GYNE's do need to see their patients to evalutate them for the treatment and decipher if the treatment is even valid for them and to provide them with all pertitent information. Also, all drugs have possible side effects, with clomid most are minor, but others such as enlargement of the ovaries, severe allergic reactions and abdominal pain could have effects that are dangerous. I certainly think that your taking a risk with other peoples health by dispensing advice based on your own experiences rather than simply giving them an understanding of the process and what to expect from fertility treatment (and the expenses that are to be expected). Unfortunately as you can see from the response above there are many desperate women out there who aren't taking everything into consideration when they choose to do this. I understand the hardships and processes of fertility treatment as well, but wouldn't personally feel comfortable advising people to use drugs without the supervision of doctors who have much more experience in dealing with these issues within a larger segment of the population than I.