Help me, Please! I want my money (Deposit )back from T-mobile. ?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I'm international student , so I don't have security number to open phone number. However, I paid $250. for deposit my phone number. The condition was 2 years , and I should get my deposit back this year. (I opened in Oct 2006.) Last month,I went to the local store for asking about my deposit. They told me to call customer service. I called the customer service about my money. the customer service says I should go back to local store for my deposit. Thus , I went to local store again on next day. The officer in local store says I have to call customer service. Today, I called the customer service again. I asked for my money that I have right to get it back. However, I have never gotten any answer about my money. I really need to use that money for my tuition fee.
They said they don' t have my address. It's funny because they can sent bill to me correctly every month. Why don't they get my correct address? It's non-sens.